Thursday, October 31, 2019
Development Aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Development Aid - Essay Example Such countries began to borrow capital from other well to do rich countries to start developing their own economies and thus began the concept of Development Aid. There has been a lot of monetary transfer between the poor countries and the developed countries with regard to the development aid. Development Aid was made mandatory by the United Nations in the year 1946 to ensure that the countries which were destroyed and affected adversely during the World-War II, to recover from their state. The concept of providing Development Aid was to help the third world countries recover from their poverty and help them come on to the path of progress. Development Aid was meant to be the means of maintaining a peace accord between two rival countries affected by war for quite some time. Development Aid helps countries to develop and progress instead of sliding back into the stages of conflicts and war. Development Aid also termed as foreign aid was meant to promote improvement in economic growth of the third world countries and to bridge the gap between the poor and rich. ... r the domestic economy were taken up by a new breed of development economists who argued that investment in less developed countries could be stimulated by injections of cash from overseas. The logic of this new development theory was simple: investments are determined by savings - and savings are determined by per capita income. Since poor countries have low incomes and accordingly, low savings, they are caught in a 'vicious circle of poverty': they experience a 'low-level equilibrium trap' where higher income does not lead to increased saving but only results in higher population growth. Thus, it was argued, investment financed by foreign aid will dissolve this vicious circle and connect the less developed countries to the virtuous circle of productivity and growth. Pros and Cons Good Governance is the latest term being used for the diplomatic as well as the bilateral issues of Development Aid. Good Governance is a term which is very common amongst the general public with regard to Development Aid; mostly hearing at public speeches or through some media like the television, the newspaper, etc. Good Governance as told is like a diplomatic and bilateral condition in multi aid proposals (O'Neill, 1997). Bilateral issues in multi-aid proposals include the two countries coming to a common understanding between each other, signing some pacts which would have to be followed in the following times after the pacts have been signed. Many people and governments are of the opinion that Good governance is an integral concept and entity to improve the flow of aid thereby proving to be a bolster to the economic growth of a country as well as a means to alleviate poverty from that particular country. Many have different views about good governance which might mean different things
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Income Taxes and Leases Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Income Taxes and Leases - Coursework Example According to Sachse (2006), all the timing differences cannot be reversed and that their tax effects cannot facilitate payment of deferred tax liability. For the advocates of the partial allocation of income tax, deferred tax liabilities would only be the portion of the comprehensive tax liability that was expected to result in the cash outflows (Sachse, 2006). Besides, this is not a conservative approach since the company management is given a leeway to choose the liabilities to recognize and those to avoid. Comprehensive allocation of income taxes This method requires that income tax expenses declared in the accounting period be affected by all transactions and be further included when calculating the pretax financial accounting revenue for that particular fiscal year. Both the GAAP and IFRS require the comprehensive allocation approach for the recognition of income taxes (Sachse, 2006). The matching argument is used in the justification of detailed allocation on grounds that the principle requires a full matching of revenue and expenses, hence the most conservative approach. Accounting for a capital-lease by the Lease The capital lease shall be recognized as an obligation, but valued as the initial lease-termââ¬â¢s minimum lease paymentââ¬â¢s current value, but exclude executor expenses like maintenance, insurance and profit paid by the lessor. But in case the established amount exceeds the initial leased assetââ¬â¢s fair value, it may imply that obligation and asset value be considered as the fair value.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Introduction Intrusion detection systems (IDS) were developed in 1990ââ¬â¢s, when the network hackers and worms appeared, initially for the identification and reporting of such attacks. The intrusion detection systems didnââ¬â¢t have the ability to stop such attacks rather than detecting and reporting to the network personnel. The Intrusion Prevention Systems got both characteristics i.e. threat detection and prevention. The detection process analyzes the events for any possible threats while the intrusion prevention stops the detected possible threats and reports the network administrator. Purpose Scope The main purpose of the project is to evaluate the security capabilities of different types of IDPS technologies in maintaining the network security. It provides detail information about the different classes components of IDPS technologies, for example, detection methods, security capabilities, prevention capabilities internals of IDPS. It is mainly focused on different detection techniques responses by these technologies. 1.2 Audience The information can be useful for computer network administrators, network security personnel, who have little knowledge about these IDPS technologies. 1.3 Project Structure The project is organized into the following major structure: Section 2 provides a general introduction of IDPS. Section 3 provides detail information about of IDPS technologies, components architecture, detection methodologies, security capabilities prevention capabilities. Section 4 provides the internals of IDPS incident response. Section 2: Introduction of IDPS This Chapter Explains the Intrusion Detection Prevention Process, Uses, Functions and Different Types of IDPS The modern computer networks provide fast, reliable and critical information not only to small group of people but also to ever expanding group of users. This need led the development of redundant links, note book computers, wireless networks and many others. On one side, the development of these new technologies increased the importance and value of these access services and on other side they provide more paths to attacks. During the past, In the presence of firewalls and anti-virus software, organizations suffered huge losses in minutes to their businesses in terms of their confidentiality and availability to the legitimate clients. These modern threats highlighted the need for more advance protection systems. Intrusion detection prevention systems are designed to protect the systems and networks from any unauthorized access and damage. An intrusion is an active sequence of related events that deliberately try to cause harm, such as rendering system unusable, accessing unauthorized information or manipulating such information. In computer terminology, Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring the events in a computer network or a host resource and analyzing them for signs of possible incidents, deliberately or incidentally. The primary functions of IDPS are the identification of incident, logging information about them, stopping them preventing them from causing any damage. The security capabilities of IDPS can be divided into three main categories: Detection : Identification of malicious attacks on network host systems Prevention: stopping of attack from executing Reaction: Immunization of the system from future attacks. On the basis of location and type of events they monitor, there are two types IDPS technologies, host-based network based. The network-based IDPS monitors traffic for particular network segment and analyze the network application protocol activity for suspicious events. It is commonly deployed at the borders between networks. While on the other hand, host-based IDPS monitors the activity of a single host and events occurring within that host for suspicious activity. There are two complementary approaches in detecting intrusions, knowledge-based approach and behavior based approach. In knowledge-based approach an IDPS looks for specific traffic patterns called Signatures, which indicates the malicious or suspicious content while in the behavior-based approach an intrusion can be detected by observing a deviation from normal or unexpected behavior of the user or the system. What is an IDS? The Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) can be defined as: tools, methods resources to identify, assess report unauthorized or unapproved network activity. It is the ability to detect attacks against a network or host and sending logs to management console providing the information about malicious attacks on the network and host resources. IDSs fall into two main categories: Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS): A HIDS system require some software that resides on the system and can scan all host resources for activity. It will log any activities it discovers to a secure database and check to see whether the events match any malicious event record listed in the knowledge base. Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS): A NIDS system is usually inline on the network and it analyzes network packets looking for attacks. A NIDS receives all packets on a particular network segment via one of several methods, such as taps or port mirroring. It carefully reconstructs the streams of traffic to analyze them for patterns of malicious behavior. The basic process for IDS is that it passively collects data and preprocesses and classifies them. Statistical analysis can be done to determine whether the information falls outside normal activity, and if so, it is then matched against a knowledge base. If a match is found, an alert is sent. Figure 1-1 outlines this activity. Response Manager GUI Host System Pre-processing Statistical Analysis Alert Manager Knowledge Base Long-Term Storage Signature Matching Fig 1.1 Standard IDS System What is an IPS? IPS technology has all capabilities of an intrusion detection system and can also attempt to stop possible incidents. IPS technologies can be differentiated from the IDS by one characteristic, the prevention capability. Once a threat is detected, it prevents the threat from succeeding. IPS can be a host-based (HIPS), which work best at protecting applications, or a network-based IPS (NIPS) which sits inline, stops and prevents the attack. A typical IPS performs the following actions upon the detection of an attack: IPS terminates the network connection or user session. It blocks access to target .i.e. IP address, user account or sever. It reconfigures the devices i.e. firewall, switch or router. It replace the malicious portion of an attack to make it benign An IPS typically consists of four main components: Traffic Normalizer: Interpret the network traffic and do packet analysis and packet reassembly traffic is fed into the detection engine service scanner. Service Scanner: Builds a reference table that classifies the information helps the traffic shaper manage the flow of the information. Detection Engine: Detection engine does pattern matching against the reference table. Figure 1.2 outlines this process: Response Manager GUI Traffic Normalizer System Scanner Detection Engine Alert Manager Reference Table Long-Term Storage Signature Matching FIG 1-2 Standard IPS Uses of IDPS Technologies The identification of possible incidents is the main focus of an IDPS, for example, if an intruder has successfully compromised a system by exploiting the vulnerability in the system, the IDPS could report this to the security personnel. Logging of information is another important function of IDPS. This information is vital for security people for further investigation of attack. IDPS has also the ability to identify the violation of security policy of an organization which could be intentionally or unintentionally, for example, an unauthorized access to a host or application. Identification of reconnaissance activity is one of the major capabilities of IDPS, which is the indication of an imminent attack, for example, scanning of hosts and ports for launching further attacks. In this case, an IDPS can either block the reconnaissance activity or it can alter the configurations of other network devices Functions of IDPS Technologies The main difference between different types of IDPS technologies is the type of events they can recognize. Following are some main functions; Recording of information regarding observed events, this information could be stored locally or could be sent to the logging server. Sending of alerts is one of the vital functions of IDPS. Alerts are sent through different methods i.e. email, SNMP traps, syslog messages etc. In case of detection of a new threat, some IDPS do have the ability to change their security profile, for example, when a new threat is detected, it might be able to collect more detail information about the threat. IDPS not only performs detection but it also performs prevention by stopping the threat to succeed. Following are some prevention capabilities: It can stop the attack by terminating either network connection or user session, by blocking access to a target host. It could change the configuration of other network devices (firewalls, routers switches) to block the attack or disrupt it. Some IDPS could change the contents of a malicious IP packet, for example, it can replace the header of an IP packet with a new one. Types of IDPS Technologies IDPS technologies can be divided into following two major categories: Network-Based IDPS Host-Based IDPS Network-Based IDPS Network-based IDPS monitors network traffic for a particular network segment. They analyze the network and application protocol activity to identify any suspicious activity. A network based IDPS is usually sits inline on the network and it analyzes network packets looking for attacks. It receives all packets on a particular network segment, including switched networks. It carefully reconstructs the streams of traffic to analyze them for patterns of malicious behavior. They are equipped with facilities to log their activities and report or alarm on questionable events. Main strengths of network-based IDPS are: Packet Analysis: Network-based IDPSs perform packet analysis. They examine headers of all IP packets for malicious contents. This helps in detection of the common denial of service (DOS) attack. For example, LAND attack, in which both the source destination addresses and source destination ports are same as of the target machine. This cause the target machine to open connection with itself, causing the target machine either performs slowly or crash. It can also investigate the payload of an IP packet for specific commands. Real Time Detection Response: Network-based IDPS detects attacks in real time as they are occurring in the real time and provides faster response. For example, if a hacker initiated a TCP based DoS attack, IDPS can drop the connection by sending a TCP reset. Malicious Content Detection: Network-based IDPS remove replaces suspicious portion of the attack. For example, if an email has infected attachment, an IDPS removes the infected file and permits the clean email. Evidence for Prosecution: Network-based IDPS monitors real time traffic and if an attack is detected and captured the hacker cannot remove the evidence. Because the captured attack has data in it but also the information about his or her identification which helps in the prosecution. Host-Based IDPS A Host-Based system monitors the characteristics of a single host and the events occurring within that host for suspicious activity. It require some software that resides on the system and monitors the network traffic, syslog, processes, file access modification and configuration or system changes. It logs any activities it discovers to a secure database and check to see whether the events match any malicious event record listed in the knowledge base. Some of the major strengths of Host-Based IDPS are as under: Verification of Attack: Host-based IDPS uses logs which contains events that have actually occurred. It has the advantage of knowing if the attack is successful or not. This type of detection is more accurate and generates fewer false alarms. Monitoring of Important Components: Host-Based IDPS monitors key components for example, executables files, specific DDLs and NT registry. All of these can cause damage to the host or network. System Specific Activity: Host-based IDPS monitors user and file access activity. It monitors the logoff or login procedure and monitors it on the basis of current policy. It also monitors the file access for example, opening of a non shared file. Switched Encrypted Environments: Host-Based IDPSs provide greater visibility into purely switched environment by residing on as many critical hosts as needed. Encryption is a challenging problem for network-based IDPS but not a major problem for host-based IDPS. If the host in question has log-based analysis the encryption will have no impact on what goes in to the log files. Near Real Time Detection: A host-based IDPS relies on the log analysis which is not a true real time analysis. But it can detect respond as soon as the log is written to and compared to the active attack signatures. Real Time Detection Response: Stack-based IDPS monitors the packets as they transverse the TCP/IP stack. It examines inbound outbound packets and examines in real time if an attack is being executed. If it detects an attack in real the time then it can responds to that attack in the real time. Section 2: IDPS Analysis Schemes IDPSs Perform Analysis: This Chapter is about the Analysis Process- What Analysis does and Different Phases of Analysis. 2.2 Analysis In the context of intrusion detection prevention, analysis is the organization of the constituent parts of data and their relationships to identify any anomalous activity of interest. Real time analysis is analysis done on the fly as the data travels the path to the network or host. The fundamental goal of intrusion-detection prevention analysis is to improve an information systemââ¬â¢s security. This goal can be further broken down: Create records of relevant activity for follow-up. Determine flaws in the network by detecting specific activities. Record unauthorized activity for use in forensics or criminal prosecution of intrusion attacks. Act as a deterrent to malicious activity. Increase accountability by linking activities of one individual across system. 2.3 Anatomy of Intrusion Analysis There are many possible analysis schemes but in order to understand them, the intrusion process can be broken down into following four phases: Preprocessing Analysis Response Refinement 1. Pre-Processing Preprocessing is the key function once the data is collected from IDPS sensor. The data is organized in some fashion for classification. The preprocessing helps in determining the format the data are put into, which is usually some canonical format or could be a structured database. Once the data are formatted, they are broken down further into classifications. These classifications can depend on the analysis schemes being used. For example, if rule-based detection is being used, the classification will involve rules and patterns descriptors. If anomaly detection is used, then statistical profile based on different algorithms in which the user behavior is baseline over the time and any behavior that falls outside of that classification is flagged as an anomaly. Upon completion of the classification process, the data is concatenated and put into a defined version or detection template of some object by replacing variables with values. These detection templates populate the knowledgebase which are stored in the core analysis engine. 2. Analysis Once the processing is completed, the analysis stage begins. The data record is compared to the knowledge base, and the data record will either be logged as an intrusion event or it will be dropped. Then the next data record is analyzed. The next phase is response. 3. Response Once information is logged as an intrusion, a response is initiated. The inline sensor can provide real time prevention through an automated response. Response is specific to the nature of the intrusion or the different analysis schemes used. The response can be set to be automatically performed or it can be done manually after someone has manually analyzed the situation. 4. Refinement The final phase is the refinement stage. This is where the fine tuning of the system is done, based on the previous usage and detected intrusions. This gives the opportunity to reduce false-positive levels and to have a more accurate security tool. Analysis Process By Different Detection Methods The intrusion analysis process is solely depends on the detection method being used. Following is the information regarding the four phases of intrusion analysis by different detection methods: Analysis Process By Rule-Based Detection Rule-based detection, also known as signature detection, pattern matching and misuse detection. Rule-based detection uses pattern matching to detect known attack patterns. The four phases of intrusion analysis process applied in rule-based detection system are as under: Preprocessing: The data is collected about the intrusions, vulnerabilities and attacks and then it is putted down into classification scheme or pattern descriptors. From the classification scheme a behavior model is built and then into a common format; Signature Name: The given name of the signature Signature ID: The unique ID for the signature Signature Description: The description of the signature what it does Possible False Positive Description: An explanation of any ââ¬Å"false positivesâ⬠that may appear to be an exploit but are actually normal network activity. Related Vulnerability Information: This field has any related vulnerability information The pattern descriptors are typically either content-based signatures, which examine the payload and header of packet, or context-based signatures that evaluate only the packet headers to identify an alert. The pattern descriptors can be atomic (single) or composite (multiple) descriptors. Atomic descriptor requires only one packet to be inspected to identify an alert, while composite descriptor requires multiple packets to be inspected to identify an alert. The pattern descriptors are then put into a knowledge base that contains the criteria for analysis. Analysis: The event data are formatted and compared against the knowledge base by using pattern-matching analysis engine. The analysis engine looks for defined patterns that are known as attacks. Response: If the event matches the pattern of an attack, the analysis engine sends an alert. If the event is partial match, the next event is examined. Partial matches can only be analyzed with a stateful detector, which has the ability to maintain state, as many IDS systems do. Different responses can be returned depending on the specific event records. Refinement: Refinement of pattern-matching analysis comes down to updating signatures, because an IDS is only as good as its signature update. Analysis Process By Profile-Based Detection (Anomaly Detection) An anomaly is something that is different from the norm or that cannot be easily classified. Anomaly detection, also referred to as Profile-based detection, creates a profile system that flags any events that strays from a normal pattern and passes this information on to output routines. The analysis process by profile-based detection is as following: Preprocessing: The first step in the analysis process is collecting the data in which behavior considered normal on the network is baselined over a period of time. The data are put into a numeric form and then formatted. Then the information is classified into a statistical profile that is based on different algorithms is the knowledge base. Analysis: The event data are typically reduced to a profile vector, which is then compared to the knowledge base. The contents of the profile vector are compared to a historical record for that particular user, and any data that fall outside of the baseline of normal activity is labeled as deviation. Response: At this point, a response can be triggered either automatically or manually. Refinement: The profile vector history is typically deleted after a specific time. In addition, different weighting systems can be used to add more weight to recent behavior than past behaviors. Section 3: IDPS Technologies This section provides an overview of different technologies. It covers the major components, architecture, detection methodologies security capabilities of IDPS. Components Following are the major components and architecture of IDPS; Sensor Agents: Sensors Agents monitors and analyze the network traffic for malicious traffic. Sensor:The technologies that use sensors are network based intrusion detection prevention systems, wireless based intrusion detection prevention systems and network behavior analysis systems. Agents: The term ââ¬Å"Agentâ⬠is used for Host-Based Intrusion detection prevention technologies. Database Server: The information recorded by the sensors and agents are kept safely in a database server. Console: A console is software that provides an interface for the IDPS users. Console software is installed on the administratorââ¬â¢s PC. Consoles are used for configuring, monitoring, updating and analyzing the sensors or agents. Management Server: It is a centralized device, receives information from sensors agents and manages that information. Some management server can also perform analysis on the information provided by sensor agents, for example correlation of events. Management server can be both appliance based or software based. 3.1 Network architecture IDPS components are usually connected with each other through organizationââ¬â¢s network or through Management network. If they are connected through management network, each agent or sensor has additional interface known as management Interface that connects it to the management network. IDPS cannot pass any traffic between management interface and its network interface for security reasons. The components of an IDPS i.e. consoles and database servers are attached only with the Management network. The main advantage of this type of architecture is to hide its existence from hackers intruders and ensure it has enough bandwidth to function under DoS attacks Another way to conceal the information communication is to create a separate VLAN for its communication with the management. This type of architecture doesnââ¬â¢t provide a much protection as the management network does. 3.2 Security capabilities IDPS provide different security capabilities. Common security capabilities are information gathering, logging, detection and prevention. 3.2.1 Information gathering Some IDPS gather general characteristics of a network, for example, information of hosts and network. They identify the hosts, operating system and application they use, from observed activity. 3.2.2 Logging capabilities When a malicious activity is detected by the IDPS, it performs logging. Logs contain date time, event type, rating and prevention action if performed. This data is helpful in investigating the incident. Some network-based IDPS captures packet while host-based IDPS records user ID. IDPS technologies allow log to be store locally and send copies of centralized logging server i.e. syslog. 3.2.3 Detection capabilities The main responsibility of an IDPS is to detect malicious activity. Most IDPS uses combination of detection techniques. The accuracy and types of events they detect greatly depends on the type of IDPS. IDPS gives great results once they are properly tuned. Tuning gives more accuracy, detection and prevention. Following are some the tuning capabilities: Thresholds: It is a value that sets the limit for normal and abnormal behavior. For example, the number of maximum login attempts. If the attempts exceed the limit then it is considered to be anomalous. Blacklists Whitelists: A blacklist is list which contains TCP or UDP port numbers, users, applications, files extensions etc that is associated with malicious activity. A whitelist is a list of discrete entities that are known to be benign. Mainly used to reduce false positive. Alert Setting: It enables IDPS to suppress alerts if an attacker generates too much alerts in a short time and blocking all future traffic from that host. Suppressing of alerts provide IDPS from being overwhelmed. 3.2.4 Prevention Capabilities IDPS offers multiple prevention capabilities. The prevention capability can be configured for each type of alert. Depending on the type of IDPS, some IDPS sensors are more intelligent. They have learning simulation mode which enables them to know when an action should be performed-reducing the risk of blocking benign activity. 3.2.5 Types of Alarms When IDPS detects an intrusion it generates some types of alarms but no IDPS generates 100% true alarm. An IDPS can generate alarm for legitimate activity and can be failed to alarm when an actual attack occurs. These alarms can be categorized as: False Alarms: When an IDPS fails to accurately indicate what is actually happening in the network, it generates false alarms. False alarm fall into two main categories: False Positives: These are the most common type of alarms. False positive occurs when an IDPS generates alarm based on normal network activity. False Negatives: When an IDPS fails to generate an alarm for intrusion, it is called false negative. It happens when IDPS is programmed to detect ck but the attack went undetected. 2. True Alarms: When an IDPS accurately indicates what is actually happening in the network, it generates true alarms. True alarms fall into two main categories: True Positives: When an IDPS detects an intrusion and sends alarm correctly in response to actually detecting the attack in the traffic. True positive is opposite of false negative. True Negative: It represents a situation in which an IDPS signature does not send alarm when it is examining normal user traffic. This is the correct behavior. ARCHITECTURE DESIGHN Architecture design is of vital importance for the proper implementation of an IDPS. The considerations include the following: The location of sensors or agents. The reliability of the solutions the measurements to achieve that reliability. For example using of multiple sensors, for monitoring the same activity, as a backup. The number location of other components of IDPS for usability, redundancy and load balancing. The systems with which IDPS needs interfacing, including: System to which it provides the data i.e. log servers, management softwares. System to which it initiates the prevention responses i.e. routers, firewalls or switches. The systems used to manage the IDPS components i.e. network management software. The protection of IDPS communications on the standard network. 3.3 Maintenance Operation Mostly IDPS are operated maintained by user graphic interface called Console. It allows administrator to configure and update the sensors and servers as well as monitor their status. Console also allows users to monitor and analyze IDPS data and generate reports. Separate accounts could be setup for administrators and users. Command Line Interface (CLI) is also used by some IDPS products. CLI is used for local administration but it can be used for remote access through encrypted tunnel. 3.3.1 Common Use of Consoles Many consoles offer drill down facilities for example, if an IDPS generates an alert, it gives more detail information in layers. It also give extensive information to the user i.e. packet captures and related alerts. Reporting is an important function of console. User can configured the console to send reports at set time. Reports can be transferred or emailed to appropriate user or host. Users can obtain and customized reports according to their needs. 3.3.2 Acquiring applying updates There are two types of updates ââ¬âsoftware updates and signature updates. Software updates for enhancing the performance or functionality and fixing the bugs in IDPS while the signature updates for adding detection capabilities or refining existing capabilities. Software updates are not limited for any special component but it could include all or one of them i.e. sensor, console, server and agents. Mostly updates are available from the vendorââ¬â¢s web site. New Chapter Detection Methodologies Most IDPS uses multiple detection methodologies for broad accurate detection of threats but following are primary detection methodologies: Signature Based Detection Anomaly Based Detection Stateful Protocol Analysis 3.3.1 Signature Based Detection The term Signature refers to the pattern that corresponds to a known threat. In signature based detection, the predefined signatures, stored in a database, are compared with the network traffic for series of bytes or packet sequence known to be malicious, for example, an email with the subject of free screen savers and an attachment of screensavers.exe, which are characteristics of known form of malware Or a telnet
Friday, October 25, 2019
hand tools :: essays research papers
Hand Tools and Devices Ergonomically oriented hand tool design: Maintain a straight wristà à à à à Maintain a straight wrist à à à à à Bent Nose Pliers. Such tools permit grasping, cutting, or turning objects while the wrist remains in a relatively straight position.à à à à à à à à à à Hammer With Deviated Handle. The slightly bent handle maintains a straight wrist during the final impact position. Maintain a straight wristà à à à à Maintain a straight wrist à à à à à Soldering Iron. The perpendicular bend of the head permits application of heat to a distal object while avoiding deviation of the wrist.à à à à à à à à à à Saws, Power Wrench, Knife. A perpendicular handle (pistol grip) maintains a straight wrist during cutting, sawing, or rotary operations such as drilling or nut tightening. Maintain a straight wristà à à à à Provide an optimal grip span à à à à à Cylindrical Handle. A tool for rotary action on a horizontal work piece maintain the wrist in a straight position.à à à à à à à à à à Excessive grip span does not allow optimal application of force and imposes undue stress upon the joints. Avoid tissue compressionà à à à à Protect against heat, cold, vibration extremes à à à à à Excessively thin or short handles cause small surface areas which in turn cause excessive pressure on tissues, leading to loss of local circulation.à à à à à Circulation is also affected by other factors such as vibration and temperature extremes from the tool of from the immediate environment. Gloves and insulating materials are used as protective devices. Second handleà à à à à Expanding spring An additional handle for powered tools, located near the front end, helps support a heavy tool, resistance to excessive torque, and safe placement of the tool on to the work piece. à à à à à à à à à à Expanding spring on handles opens handles without stressful operator effort. Thumb stopà à à à à Gloves à à à à à A thumb stop improves stability, increases thrust force, and avoids slippage.à à à à à Gloves may be unavoidably used in inclement circumstances. Compensations must be made, when gloves are used, for a diminished grip force, diminished manual dexterity, and increased bulkiness which requires large handle dimensions. General considerationsà à à à à Loss of grip à à à à à The functional assignment of the hands. Hands, when used with a tool, may be classified into the holding hand and the assisting hand.à à à à à à à à à à Dropped Tool. Power saw dropped on foot. Loss of gripà à à à à Loss of grip à à à à à Slipping Hazard. Hand slips on to unguarded surface.à à à à à à à à à à Curved Knife Guard. Loss of gripà à à à à Loss of grip à à à à à Knife. Ring guard. Enclosure for one finger.à à à à à à à à à à Knife. Handle guard. Enclosure for all fingers. Balanced power toolà à à à à Second handle à à à à à Handle located at center of gravity.à à à à à à à à à à A second handle near the front of a large tool allows added control. A second handle will also aid in resisting high torque forces. Crushing in betweenà à à à à Accidental activation à à à à à Handle Stops. Handle stops allowing at least 2.5 cm clearance prevent crushing fingers between handles.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Introduction to Philosophy Essay
Abstract ââ¬Å"It is very tempting for people not to think, to remain submerged in reality rather than aware of it, to be carried along by the current of events rather than creating their destiny through thoughtful, independent choicesâ⬠(Chaffee, 2013). In this paper, the importance of philosophy is discussed in practical terms. Why is it important? What purpose does it serve and what reasons do people have for pursuing an education in it? How can this affect my life? The major branches of philosophy, which are Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Political & Social, Aesthetics andà Logic, are also discussed along with the contributing questions specific to each branch and what each branch focuses on. Philosophical Areas 3 Philosophical Areas of Inquiry, Personal Relations and Application As stated by Cicero (n. d. ), ââ¬Å"Rightly defined, philosophy is simply the love of wisdom. â⬠ââ¬Å"The actual word philosophy is Greek in origin, and it is the composite of two Greek roots: philein, a Greek word for ââ¬Ëlove,ââ¬â¢ and sophia, the Greek word for ââ¬Ëwisdom. ââ¬â¢ Taken together, they mean ââ¬Ëthe love or pursuit of wisdomââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Chaffee, 2013). There are so many reasons one wouldà want to study philosophy, and considering that we are all different, our reasons vary. ââ¬Å"Philosophy means liberation from the two dimensions of routine, soaring above the well known, seeing it in new perspectives, arousing wonder and the wish to flyâ⬠(Walter Kaufmann, n. d. ). Studying philosophy is a life-changing experience. It is impossible to ââ¬Å"unlearnâ⬠something once you have discovered it, so upon your mind being awakened, it cannot go back to sleep. This grants you the gift of having a new, more complete perspective of the world around you and of life in general. People are naturally inquisitive creatures. This is one of our biggest assets, as well as our biggest downfalls. Philosophy teaches you to think critically about important issues. This is something that takes time, effort and practice. Thinking critically isnââ¬â¢t necessarily easy, but the benefits are plentiful. The purpose of philosophy is to ask questions that ââ¬Å"penetrate the surface of life to confront the deeper currents lying beneathâ⬠(Chaffee, 2013, p. 4). Due to there being so many different categories of philosophical questions to be answered and studied, there are severalà branches of philosophy with questions specific to them and certain methodologies used in search of answers. These branches are Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Political & Social, Aesthetics and Logic. Metaphysics Metaphysics is ââ¬Å"the study of the ultimate characteristics of reality or existenceâ⬠(Chaffee, 2013, p. 31). Bertrand Russell defines metaphysical philosophy as such, ââ¬Å"Metaphysics, or the Philosophical Areas 4 attempt to conceive the world as a whole by means of thought, has been developed from the first by the union and conflict of two very different impulses, the one urging men towards mysticism,à the other urging them toward science. â⬠Some of the major questions asked in this area of inquiry are, ââ¬Å"What is the nature of reality? â⬠, ââ¬Å"What is the nature of self? â⬠, ââ¬Å"How are the mind and body related to each other? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Do we have personal freedom or are our choices limited? â⬠, ââ¬Å"What are the arguments for and against the existence of God? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Is there life after death? â⬠and ââ¬Å"Does life have meaning? â⬠The methodology used in Metaphysics has expanded so much over the years since Aristotle. One method used for answering questions such as these ââ¬Å"emphasizes the continuity of metaphysics with science. On this conception, metaphysics is primarily or exclusively concerned with developing generalizations from our best-confirmed scientific theoriesâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyâ⬠, 2014). Because of the difficulty answering some of these questions, some believe Metaphysics to be ââ¬Å"impossible. â⬠There is no current way to label a metaphysical statement either true or false, and therefore ââ¬Å"impossible to find out what they areâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyâ⬠, 2014). Citations Chaffee, J. (2013). The Philosopherââ¬â¢s Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2014). Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/metaphysics/ Epistemology Epistemology is the study of knowledge. This identifies and develops criteria, as well as methodologies, for what we know and why we know it (Chaffee, 2013, p. 31). Some questions asked regarded epistemology are, ââ¬Å"What is truth? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Can we ever really know anything? â⬠, ââ¬Å"What Philosophical Areas 5 are the sources of knowledge? â⬠, ââ¬Å"What is the relation between truth and knowledge? â⬠and ââ¬Å"How can you increase your wisdom? â⬠This, ââ¬Å"Defined narrowlyâ⬠¦is the study of knowledge and justified belief,â⬠according to the ââ¬Å"Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2014) or SEP. Now, this being said, there are sources of knowledge and justification in epistemology. These sources include perception, introspection, memory, reason and testimony. The limits to this branch of philosophy are skepticism, closure, relevant alternatives, denial, and moorean, contextualist & ambiguity responses (ââ¬Å"Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyâ⬠, 2014). Citations Chaffee, J. (2013). The Philosopherââ¬â¢s Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas (4thed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2014). Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/metaphysics/ Ethics Ethics is the study of moral values and principles. Questions regarding ethics are things such as, ââ¬Å"How should we treat other people? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Is there a ââ¬Ëgood lifeââ¬â¢ for humans? â⬠, ââ¬Å"What is the relation between moral values and religion? â⬠and ââ¬Å"How do we decide on the moral rightness of social issues? â⬠(Chaffee, 2013, p. 31). Everyday ethical concerns in life can include any topicà from capital punishment, euthanasia, lying, human rights, abortion, animal testing, cloning, slavery and pornography, among several others. The purpose of having and studying ethics is a way for people to ensure that the decisions made are following a preset ethical code or guideline. ââ¬Å"Creating yourself to be a wise and knowledgeable person entails developing an enlightened moral compass that will guide your decisions. People typically rely on what they ââ¬Ëfeelââ¬â¢ is right Philosophical Areas 6 when faced with challenging moral dilemmas. The but we ââ¬Ëfeelââ¬â¢ is an unreliable moral guideâ⬠(Chaffee, 2013, p. 35). Citations Chaffee, J. (2013). The Philosopherââ¬â¢s Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Political & Social Political and social philosophy is ââ¬Å"the study of social values and political forms of governmentâ⬠(Chaffee, 2013, p. 31). ââ¬Å"What is the nature of justice? â⬠and ââ¬Å"What is the most enlightened government? â⬠are common points of inquiry from a political and social standpoint in philosophy. Political and social philosophy basically takes a look at the various methods people should govern themselves. According to philosopher, Baron Dââ¬â¢Holbach, ââ¬Å"Politics must conform to the essence and aims of society, not to the passions of rulers. â⬠This means analyzing the values that the society should be based on, keeping in mind individual rights and justice. Citations Chaffee, J. (2013). The Philosopherââ¬â¢s Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Aesthetics Aesthetics studies beauty, taste and art. Two very distinct questions that are specific to this branch are as follows: ââ¬Å"What is the nature of beauty? â⬠and ââ¬Å"What is art? â⬠ââ¬Å"It analyzes efforts to establish standards for beauty in all of its various manifestations. And it explores the nature and purpose of art in human affairsâ⬠(Chaffee, 2013, p. 37). Have you ever heard of the saying, ââ¬Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholderâ⬠? Well, this is the branch of philosophy that examines how to identify principles of beauty. Other questions related to this asked in aesthetics are ââ¬Å"Are there Philosophical Areas 7 universal standards of beauty, or are they relative to cultural and individual taste? â⬠and ââ¬Å"Is there one core concept of beauty or many different concepts? â⬠Citations Chaffee, J. (2013). The Philosopherââ¬â¢s Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Logic Logic is the branch of philosophy that ââ¬Å"seeks to establish the rules of correct reasoning, clear understanding and valid argumentsâ⬠(Chaffee, 2013, p. 31). ââ¬Å"What are the logical principles of correct reasoning? â⬠and ââ¬Å"How do people use incorrect reasoning to reach false conclusions? â⬠are questions associated with this branch. In this branch of philosophy, critical thinking is one of the most important skills needed. Citations Chaffee, J.(2013). The Philosopherââ¬â¢s Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Thought Development: Philosophy & Culture Religion, philosophy and culture are said to be the three pillars or elements of human reality. How does this tie into thought development? What is the relationship between philosophy and culture? ââ¬Å"â⬠¦compared to the feet with which Man journeys towards his destiny, philosophy could represent the eyes that scrutinize that journey, and culture, the earth on which Man is walking during his concrete pilgrimageâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Panikkar, 2000). Depending on oneââ¬â¢s approach to examining this matter, it may be difficult to separate religion from philosophy. For example, with an intercultural approach, it would not be possible, for religion and philosophy would both be dependent upon the culture. The reason that the two are inseparable sometimes is, according to Philosophical Areas 8 Panikkar (2000), ââ¬Å"Philosophy is but the conscious and critical accompaniment of Manââ¬â¢s journeying towards his destiny. This journeying is called religion in many cultures. â⬠Citations Panikkar, R. (2000). Religion, Philosophy & Culture. Retrieved from http://them.polylog. org/1/fpr-en. htm Personal Attachment to Inquiry Philosophical Areas 9 Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that sticks out to me the most and resonates closest to my innermost self. The runner up is metaphysics, because I do find myself questioning and wondering on the meaning of life and things of that nature. However, I have decided a long time ago that the meaning of life is specific to the person. Whatever it is that drives you, motivates you and keeps you pushing forward, that is your meaning; your ââ¬Å"whyâ⬠. Epistemology fascinates me because of its questions regarding knowledge and truth. Just because we know something, does that make it truth? In the Taoist religion, the journey you embark on is to enlightenment. The purpose of Taoism is to find truth and to see the whole picture, the entire picture, for what it is. Not many make it to such a spiritual level such as that, but that is the reason for working so diligently internally. I have always admired Buddhist and Taoist for these reasons. As far as cultural influence on my decisions goes, I would have to admit that the American culture does not have as much to offer (that I am seeking, at least) as other cultures do. I am proud of my heritage, but my culture is a different story. I feel like Iââ¬â¢m searching for something, yet cannot pinpoint what that something is. Hopefully by the end of this course I will have a better outlook and idea of what that thing is. References Chaffee, J. (2013). The Philosopherââ¬â¢s Way: Thinking Critically About Profound Ideas (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2014). Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/metaphysics/ Panikkar, R. (2000). Religion, Philosophy & Culture. Retrieved from http://them. polylog. org/1/fpr-en. htm. Ã
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Case Study – Dubai Police Department
| Communication Barriers in DUBAI Police Department| Case Study| | | | | Contents CASE STUDY3 Introduction5 Summary6 Key Issues Highlighted7 Key Issues Analysis8 Steps Taken to Resolve the Problem10 Benefits & Drawbacks10 Conclusion10 Recommendations11 References12 CASE STUDY: Communication Barriers in DUBAI Police Department Dubai Police Department is an integral part of the Dubai Police Force. Dubai Police Department was established on 1st June 1956. There are more than fifteen thousand employees working under the Dubai Police Force across Dubai City. The General Department of Administrative Affairs is one of the most appreciated and admired security establishments under the Dubai Police Department. The GDAA is a link between the Dubai Police Headquarters, General Departments, and Police Stations on one hand, and the Federal Ministers; Government Departments and the private sectors on the other hand. The Department offers legal consultations; preparation of statistical and cognitive studies, data collection and analysis, preparation of annual reports, and managing medical and travel services record of Dubai Police Force Employees. One day Mr. Kabir came to work and became furious when he was rebuked by his senior Mr. Abdul for the reason that the receptionist, Miss Ann who is responsible for the centralized communication in the department has miss communicated some information to Mr. Kabir. Mr. Abdul is the General of the GDAA (The General Department of Administrative Affairs) organization under the Dubai Police Department. Mr. Kabir is a 32 year old Deputy in The General Department of Administrative Affairs. He is responsible for supervising and managing all the activities in the department. Kabir tries his best to keep up with the administrative issues in the police department. The present communication system prevailing in the Department is the verbal communication system which takes over the phone. The message is conveyed from the receptionist to the receiver by telephone. If the receiver is not available to attend the calls, the receptionist is responsible for making a note of the information and surpassing the information to the concerned receiver of the calls. Kabir got frustrated and got notion to put in the modern digital system for effective communication across the department. He acquired all the officersââ¬â¢ acceptance for the program. The system was responsible for facilitating the services like electronic transfer of calls, calls recovery, messages recovery, auto answering options etc. Miss Ann was trained and made responsible to supervise and manage the efficient functioning of the digital communication system in the department. In the month ââ¬â end meeting of the officers of the department, Ann declared that the efficiency of the department had increased due to the increase in accessibility of the information hub which was made possible with the help of the technological integration in the department. The personnel no longer felt the need to depend on the receptionist to access the information required. Moreover the communication between people also improved and the updates could be gathered faster. (Call Express Case Study) Introduction The public administration of any country or region is responsible for the effectiveness in the overall functioning of the governmental departments and agencies. Department of Police (About US) is designated so as to practice the laws and by making legitimized use of force. The Police Services are defined in a legal area of responsibility. The Dubai Police Department is a ell established and admired body within the public administration of the country and is chaired by the ruler ââ¬â Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum. Bearing this in mind, one of the key public administration departments pertains to the maintenance of law and order and ensuring implementation of the law in the region. The General Department of Administrative Affairs (Organi zational Chart) is a department under the Department of Police is responsible for the connection with the Police Headquarters and other Police High Authority Departments encompasses Federal Ministers, Government Departments, and other private sector bodies. The department carries different operational activities such as legal consultations, preparation of statistical studies, data collection and analysis, preparation of reports and other management and administrative tasks. The case pertains to The General Department of the Administrative Affairs of the Dubai Police Department and highlights the problems in the communication channels which existed in the department. The key issue was with the retrieval and access to the messages which had to be accessed through a receptionist. This study will aim at analyzing the issue and the outcome of this issue on the department. The case is focused on the existence of improper channels in the Department which was affecting the effectiveness of the departmentââ¬â¢s administration. Communication assumes utmost importance in this regard as live updates and information need to be conveyed to the various personnel involved in the departmentââ¬â¢s activities. Summary: The rationale of the case study is to exemplify the communication system in The General Department of Administrative Affairs of the Dubai Police Department. The case throws light up on the troubles faced by the officers owing to the old and traditional verbal communication system prevailing in the department. The information and messages flow is inappropriate disturbing the operational and administrative flow in the department. The verbal communication system is centralized, one receptionist looking after all the calls and messages flows to the respective receivers in the department. This made the Deputy to think for changing and implementing the new and contemporary digital system in the department. The installation of this digital system ensures the effective and efficient communication by conquering the problems and challenges arising with the Department of Police, Dubai. The new program of communication system resulted in the operational effectiveness along with the improvement in the operational efficiency. Besides, there were many other drawbacks that came into picture by the communication officer Ann, who was the former receptionist in the police department during the review of the communication system, was done by the office associates under the supervision of Mr. Abdul, the General of the department. In the next part of the case study analysis of the Dubai Police Department, the key points will be highlighted together with the examination of its consequences and the action steps taken by the company to conquer the problems. Key Issues Highlighted: This case is focused upon the key issues related to the communication channel existing in the department with respect to the retrieval of information available with the receptionist and dependency on the receptionist for accessing the information that is present with her. The issues pertain to the information which is collected by the receptionist. This information is provided by the people and could either be a complaint or a call for help or intimation about any emergency situations. It could also include personal calls or messages for the people in the department. This information could be accessed only when the receptionist was present and the conveyance of the information over the telephone line meant that the line was kept busy and this was responsible for the callers to deter from providing information which could prove useful for the department. Moreover the personnel often wanted to access the information after their duty hours were over, but this was not made possible as the absence of the receptionist meant that data could not be retrieved until such time till the receptionist returned. These issues pertaining to communication within the department are highlighted in this case study ââ¬â * Communication channel which existed in the department. * Various flaws associated in the existing communication channel. * Effect of the inefficient communication channel on the administration of the department. Identifying the reasons for the problems which are evident in the communication channel. Key Issues Analysis: 1. Communication Channel ââ¬â The Communication Channel prevailing in The General Department of Administrative Affairs of the Department of Police is the combination of ââ¬Å"verbalâ⬠and ââ¬Å"non verbalâ⬠communication system. The communication system is the system which includes the interaction bet ween the people. The communication is established between the sender and the receiver by making use of the sound and language to convey the message to the receiver. The communication is used to express the ideas, desires, concepts and requirements. The verbal communication is therefore significant for the exchange of expressions and gestures between two or more persons. The verbal communication system is an old and traditional system for communication in public administrative organization where one single receptionist is responsible for the transferring of calls and messages along with the retrieval of information. The system is not spirited enough to cope up with the demands of the modern scenario of the public administrations, especially the Police Department where the number of workforce is increasing day by day, thus resulting in the increase of the administration activities. Today, the communication systems widespread in the administrations are faster and easier and are modern and technical systems mostly referred as the non verbal communication system. (Hanes, 2010) 2. Failure of the Communication System ââ¬â There are various flaws associated with the current communication system or channel prevailing in the department resulting in the failure of the system and giving birth to number of problems in the department when the messages and calls are transferred from the receptionist to the concerned officer in the department. They are ââ¬â * Misunderstandings. Different Perceptions of the People * Ineffective Communication Techniques * Language Barriers * Subjective Opinions of the Persons (Hanes, Problems in Communication , 2010) 3. Effect of the Communication System ââ¬â The communication system prevailing in The General Department of Administrative Affairs fails to clinch the success as the system or the channel is centralized and outmoded. T he communication system moves around one single receptionist who is responsible to transfer the calls and messages to the officers in their respective departments. She was also made responsible to retrieve the messages in the absence of any receiver. This is an old and slow process of communication giving room for number of mistakes. This resulted in the miscommunication of the data and information and therefore resulting in the misappropriation of tasks and responsibilities. At times, this fallout in the scolding and admonishments to the officers from the Deputy General of the department. 4. Reasons for the flaws in Communication Channel ââ¬â There can be many reasons that affect the communication system in the organization. With reference to the case study of the public administrationââ¬â¢s Dubai Police Department, there is a centralized communication system. The department makes use of both the verbal as well as the non verbal communication system. They made use of the internet, fax machines, printers, telephones, e-mails as the mode of communication in the department. The working of the centralized communication system revolves around the receptionist of the department who is made responsible for the transfer of calls, messages to the receiver. This is the major fault in the department. Depending on a single receptionist for carrying out the communication system will undoubtedly give room for the mistakes and human errors. The errors and defects would have generated in the communication system certainly. Steps Taken to Resolve the Problem The Deputy of The General Department of Administrative Affairs came to the action plan to resolve the problem of communication system or channel in the department. The Deputy had taken step of installing the new and contemporary digital system for communication in the department. The step was taken by the Deputy as the Department was grappling around the problems of communication. The new digital system was installed in the department with the aim to eradicate all the problems associated with the prevailing communication channel. The receptionist was made the communication officer of the department and was assigned the responsibility of managing the new communication system. The communication officer who was the former receptionist of the department was also accountable to the higher uthorities to provide them the feedback of the new system by keeping the review on the system. The new system installed ensured the faster and effective communication across the department of the administrative affairs under the police department of Dubai. Benefits & Drawbacks Eventually, the new digital system was installed in the department. This resulted in the eradication of the problems due to the different benefits associated with it and they are ââ¬â (a) New and modern system (b) Communication is possible in a large workforce c) Easy to use (d) Fast and prompt to use (e) Offers indifferent unique add on. Besides this, there are also some drawbacks associated with the Digital System and that pertains to the Information Richness which is passed between the receiver and the sender or any and they are as follows ââ¬â (a) Lengthy Conversations are difficult with the new system. (b) The Particulars of the messages are missed. (c) Lot of Repetitions is required. (d) Less influential and cannot be used everywhere in all the functions of the department. e) Not everybody in the organization prefers to communicate via digital system of communication. (f) Cannot create impression upon the people or the listeners involved in the communication. Conclusion This case study helped to highlight and evaluate an important administrative tool, i. e. communication. Communication is a crucial aspect of public administration and the evaluation of the case of the Dub ai Police Department in its Department of Administrative Affairs and proved useful in the examination of this aspect of administration and its implications in real time scenarios. The discussions in the case study has proved that how much a proper and systematic communication channel is required in any of the organization to perform various functions in the department. The Case had also focused upon how much is the operational effectiveness of any organization is affecting due to the improper functioning of only one of the system in the organization. Indeed, the Case Study aimed to identify the significance of the proper and friendly communication channels entails in any of the public administration. Recommendations: With reference to the case study, I would like to give my personal recommendations for the improvement of the communication channels and programs in the organization. Several Steps can be taken by the Public Administration Authorities to improve the communication systems in the department. The Recommendations pertaining to the Department of Police are as follows ââ¬â * An Organized System for Communication should be followed which should be completely formal system. This will provide a solution for the structural and operational problems with respect to the operational concerns. All the elements of the Communication mix should be properly managed during the implementation of the programs and systems. A certain problem is recognized which is referred as the Time Wasting Potential. This should be eradicated by making use of SOP Program used for the development of the overall communication systems and programs in the organization. (Kuhne, 2004) In addition to the above recommendatio ns, I would like to suggest the communication officer of the Dubai Police Department to switch to the upgraded versions of the digital systems of the communication system once the department gets used to it. This will ensure more upgraded and advanced services to carry out the communication services across the department. It provides unique services like ââ¬â (a) VOIP telephone systems (b) Consultation of the Factory Certified Technicians (c) Loud Speaker Paging System (d) Remote Teleworker Set up (e) Relocation Services (f) Adds, moves and changes Other departments in the Public Administration of Dubai can also make use of such modes of systems of communication within their departments. References 1. About US. (n. d. . Retrieved November 1, 2011, from www. dubaipolice. gov. ae: http://www. dubaipolice. gov. ae/dp/jsps/content/flat-content. do? contentCode=69908 2. Call Express Case Study. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 1, 2011, from www. avst. com: http://www. avst. com/case_study/Dubai_Police_Promote_Community_Outreach_with_AVST_CallXpress .asp 3. Hanes, T. (2010). Problems in Communication . Retrieved November 1, 2011, from www. livestrong. com: http://www. livestrong. com/article/1 58524-problems-in-verbal-communication/ 4. Hanes, T. (2010). What is Verbal Communication. Retrieved November 1, 2011, from www. livestrong. com: http://www. livestrong. com/article/150573-what-is-verbal-communication/ 5. Kuhne, M. (2004). Communication Channels. Retrieved November 1, 2011, from www. ibisassoc. co. uk: www. ibisassoc. co. uk/articles/Article16. doc 6. Organizational Chart. (n. d. ). Retrieved November 1, 2011, from www. dubaipolice. gov. ae: http://www. dubaipolice. gov. ae/dp/jsps/content/flat-content. do? contentCode=orgn13
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